Board Education
The work that Hospital Boards of Directors perform on quality is highly variable across hospitals in the U.S. Beth aspires to raise the bar and create a standard of work across hospitals for their board of directors. She has worked nationally for many years to create better ways to assess, educate and prepare hospital boards. She has advanced research on hospital boards and is leading an effort for the Institute for Health Care Improvement and Lucien Leape Institute to create national best practices for the work hospital boards do on quality. Beth supported Solutions for Patient Safety, a 140+ hospital pediatric network, in building their board education program and created some innovative ways to teach board members hands on and through more simulation / scenario-based learning.
Click here to inquire about having Beth come speak to your board and partner with your hospital leadership team to create a more committed and capable board on safety and quality.
Here a few thoughts from hospital systems to whom Beth has supported with Board Educational sessions:
“MedStar Health wanted an external assessment regarding our current Board Governance, specifically related to how we approached Quality, Safety, Experience and Value. We do this every 5-6 years to ensure we are following best practices on how to optimize our boards efforts in these areas. We found Beth to have an outstanding knowledge base and experience in Governance both within healthcare as well as in other industries and businesses. Through her pre-workshop assessment, she was able to engage our board in very interactive discussions and opportunity areas for improvement. We are excited to be continuing our work with Beth and would highly recommend her to other health systems or hospitals looking to achieve optimal board value to our work.”‘
David Mayer, MD
Vice President, Quality and Safety
MedStar Health
Beth Daley Ullem spoke at our annual retreat of the Board Quality Committees across our System. She is wonderfully engaging, inspiring, thoughtful and provocative. Beth brings a deep and personal connection to healthcare quality and overall healthcare improvement which resonated with every member of our board. Her broad and balanced understanding of the major challenges faced by healthcare organizations today, combined with this personal passion for improvement, meaningfully engaged us and brought attention to the critical role of boards. In addition, Beth has developed relevant checklists, which are very useful tools to ensure accountability and sustainability. Her presentation had tremendous impact, and her work is still widely used across our organization today.
Michelle Schreiber
Senior Vice President and Chief Quality Officer
Henry Ford Health System
Broader Hospital Safety and Transparency Education
In addition to speaking to hospital boards, Beth has led the charge to create more consistent standards for hospitals and to advance safety and transparency. Beth served on the Lucien Leape Institute panel to help create a white paper on Transparency standards and best practices for hospitals. Beth advanced major safety and quality innovations through the first D&A simulation with a partnership with the Center for Medical simulation and another with Harvard’s IPEP and IBM’s Open Pediatrics. Beth also worked to accelerate transparency after harm (through an AHRQ tool kit called CANDOR) through many educational sessions and leadership meetings. All of her efforts are focused on the rapid spread of innovative and impactful safety and quality concepts throughout healthcare.